Volunteer with Literacy Network

Support adult students, immigrants, and refugees to help them reach their goals.

Volunteers can help students:

  • Improve their reading and writing
  • Build English language skills
  • Learn basic computer skills
  • Earn their high school equivalency diploma

Consider joining our volunteer community and making a difference in the lives of Dane County adults.

Two people working at a table

We Provide:

  • Training for new volunteers
  • Regular support from staff
  • Lesson planning resources and materials
  • Ongoing opportunities for training and growth

Our Volunteers:

  • Are 18+ years old
  • Are reliable, professional, patient, and kind
  • Speak, read, and write English fluently
  • Check email regularly
  • Volunteer at a set time for two hours each week
  • Can commit to a full semester

Volunteer Opportunities

Learn more about each volunteer role and apply below!


ESL (English as a second language) tutors work 1:1 with adult immigrants and refugees to help them improve their English language skills.

ESL students set individualized goals. Tutors help them work towards those goals. Common goals include:

  • Read, write, listen, and speak in English
  • Improve English for their workplace
  • Talk to their healthcare providers in English
  • Communicate with their children's teachers in English
  • Use English in daily activities, like shopping and transportation

ESL tutoring happens at a set time each week. Volunteers can choose to tutor in-person or virtually on Zoom. Tutors are placed in a group tutoring class, with 8 students and 8 tutors, but each student-tutor pair works independently. Literacy Network staff provides weekly lesson plans and ongoing support for tutors.

  • All tutoring is done in English
  • Tutors meet weekly with their student for two hours
  • No experience needed! Training and lesson plans are provided
  • Staff are available during the tutoring sessions to support you

Tutor Requirements

  • Be 18+ years old
  • Be reliable, professional, patient, and kind
  • Speak, read, and write English fluently
  • Check email regularly
  • Commit to tutoring through the full semester, with no more than two absences
  • Have reliable transportation (in-person tutors)
  • Have a working computer & reliable internet (virtual tutors)
  • Be comfortable using Zoom (virtual tutors)

Weekly ESL Tutoring Classes:

  • Mondays, 6-8pm at Literacy Network
  • Mondays 6-8pm virtual
  • Tuesdays, 10am-12pm at Literacy Network
  • Tuesdays, 6-8pm virtual
  • Wednesdays, 9-11am virtual
  • Wednesdays, 6-8pm virtual
  • Wednesdays, 6-8pm at Vera Court Neighborhood Center
  • Thursdays, 10am-12pm at Lussier Community Center
  • Saturdays, 9-11am at Literacy Network
  • Saturdays, 9-11am virtual

We can’t guarantee volunteers will be placed in their preferred class, but we will do our best. We will invite you to join our waitlist if there are no open spots in the class you request.

We host trainings for new tutors at the start of each semester (spring, summer, fall). Tutors joining after the semester has started will complete training independently.


Essential Literacy tutors work 1:1 with adult students to help them learn essential skills in reading, writing, computer literacy, and math.

Essential Literacy students set individualized goals. Tutors help them work towards those goals. Some examples of student goals include:

  • Learn basic math skills for daily life, like counting money or using recipes
  • Learn to browse the internet and send emails to find a new job
  • Improve reading fluency and comprehension to read books to children or grandchildren
  • Improve writing skills, including grammar, punctuation, spelling and vocabulary to prepare for classes at Madison College

Essential Literacy tutoring happens at a set time each week.  Tutors are placed in a group tutoring class, with 8 students and 8 tutors. Literacy Network staff provide weekly lesson plans for tutors during their first semester. Returning tutors write their own lesson plans, using Literacy Network materials.

  • Tutors meet weekly with their student for two hours
  • Staff are available during tutoring sessions to support tutors

Tutor Requirements

  • Be 18+ years old
  • Be reliable, professional, patient, and kind
  • Speak, read, and write English fluently
  • Check email regularly
  • Be comfortable teaching computer and math skills
  • Be interested in learning to lesson plan independently
  • Commit to tutoring through the full semester, with no more than two absences
  • Have reliable transportation (in-person tutors)

Weekly Literacy Tutoring Classes:

  • Tuesdays, 10:30am-12:30pm at Lakeview Library
  • Tuesdays, 6-8pm at Literacy Network
  • Wednesdays, 10am-12pm at Literacy Network
  • Wednesdays, 5:45-7:45pm at Lakeview Library

We can’t guarantee volunteers will be placed in their preferred class, but we will do our best. We will invite you to join our waitlist if there are no open spots in the class you request.

We host trainings for new tutors at the start of each semester (spring, summer, fall). Tutors joining after the semester has started will complete training independently.

LaTonya and Marie

GED/HSED tutors work with adult students to help them earn their high school equivalency diploma.

The GED (General Educational Development certification) requires students to pass four timed tests: Reasoning Through Language Arts (reading comprehension and essay writing), Mathematical Reasoning (algebra and geometry), science, and social studies.

The 5.09 HSED (High School Equivalency Diploma) is a program where students demonstrate competencies through participation in classes with projects and tests at Madison College. This is a helpful option for language learners or students with learning differences, because it does not require timed tests. The HSED covers the GED subjects, as well as employability, career awareness, civics, and health.

We have two types of weekly GED/HSED tutoring sessions:

GED/HSED 1:1 tutoring:

  • Tutors meet weekly with their students for two hours, at a consistent time and location
  • Tutoring can happen at Literacy Network, at neighborhood library branches, at Madison College Goodman South campus, or virtually over Zoom
  • Tutors help students pursuing their GED study and prepare for their tests
  • Tutors help students enrolled in HSED classes complete homework and stay on track with class materials

HSED Classroom Support at Madison College:

  • Tutors are placed in Madison College HSED courses to support students during class time
  • Madison College Instructors lead the class
  • Tutors provide 1:1 support to a variety of different students
  • Tutors can choose to support a virtual or in-person class
  • Tutors support once per week, for approximately 2 hours

You can apply for one or both GED/HSED tutoring opportunities below.

Tutor Requirements

  • Be 18+ years old
  • Complete training before tutoring
  • Be reliable, professional, patient, and kind
  • Have strong digital technology skills
  • Speak, read, and write English fluently
  • Be comfortable with math (geometry and algebra)
  • Check email regularly
  • Have a working computer & reliable internet (virtual tutors)
  • Have reliable transportation (in-person tutors)
  • Commit to tutoring through the full semester, with no more than two absences

We can’t guarantee volunteers will be placed in their preferred role, but we will do our best. We will invite you to join our waitlist if there are no open spots in matching your availability.

We host trainings for new tutors at the start of each semester (fall, summer, spring). Tutors joining after the semester has started will complete training independently.

Two women standing in front of a colorful mosaic wall. Woman on the left is holding a U.S. flag. Both women are smiling

Help students become United States citizens! Citizenship tutors work 1:1 with English language learners to help them prepare for the USCIS citizenship test. They use pre-designed civics and literacy curriculum to develop literacy skills in the four sections of the test: speaking (N-400 interview questions), civics (100 questions about U.S. history and government), reading, and writing. 


  • One or more semesters of experience as an ESL tutor or teacher at Literacy Network

Tutor Requirements:

  • Be 18+ years old
  • Be reliable, professional, patient, and kind
  • Speak, read, and write English fluently
  • Check email regularly
  • Have a working computer & reliable internet (virtual tutors)
  • Have reliable transportation (in-person tutors)


  • Duration: 6 months or more
  • Weekly time commitment: 3 hours/week (2 hours of tutoring and 1 hour of preparation) 


  • Prepare weekly lessons from pre-designated materials/curriculum
  • Meet with student 2 hours per week to prepare for the naturalization exam
  • Schedule tutoring sessions and give student weekly reminder calls
  • Report hours and student progress to Literacy Network 

We have the greatest need for tutors that have evening availability to meet with students in-person at Literacy Network. 

If you are interested in Citizenship Tutoring, please reach out to Jill Stendahl at jill@litnetwork.org

Data entry volunteers work in a team to create and maintain digital student records and attendance.

Volunteer responsibilities:

  • Keep all student records and personal information confidential
  • Enter student registration information and attendance into database
  • Maintain filing systems; purge paper records according to policy
  • Provide regular updates on progress to supervisor
  • Track and report your weekly volunteer hours

Volunteer is required to:

  • Be responsible, mature, and organized
  • Commit to working 2 hours weekly

Preferred previous experience with:

  • Typing and computer skills
  • Ability to work independently
  • Strong communication skills

Supervisor: Director of Program Impact

These positions are currently full, but you are welcome to submit an application to be added to the waitlist. We will contact you if an opening becomes available.

volunteer working in garden

Literacy Network recently installed two new perennial gardens! We are recruiting two Volunteer Gardeners to nurture and maintain the newly planted (Spring 2024) perennial borders.

  • A Sun Gardener to care for our west-facing garden along Park Street
  • A Shade Gardener to care for the north-facing garden in front of our building

Volunteer Responsibilities:

  • Nurture, tidy, and tend to your Literacy Network garden throughout the growing season (April – October, OR April-July or July-Oct) 
  • Dedicate 1-3 hours/week to tending your Literacy Network garden during your 6-month or 3-month commitment. This includes but is not limited to:
    • Weeding
    • Deadheading and deadleafing perennials as needed
    • Watering newly planted perennials as needed during their period of establishment; monitoring rainfall
    • Mulching as needed
    • Making design updates and adjustments in collaboration with the Associate Director
    • Collaborating with the Volunteer Tree & Shrub Gardener as needed
    • Performing spring and fall clean-up tasks (cutting back, raking, etc.), balancing tidiness with best practices for wildlife and winter interest

Volunteer Requirements:

  • 3+ years’ experience managing perennial borders (whether at home or somewhere else!)
  • Physical ability to lift and carry a hose, full watering can, large plants, etc.
  • Physical ability to kneel/squat to weed and deadhead/deadleaf
  • Reliable communication via phone and email
  • Professional, friendly demeanor
  • Positive regard for Literacy Network’s mission


  • 1-3 hours/week between April 15 and October 15, or between April 15-July 15 or July 15-October 15 (6-month or 3-month commitment) 
    • Up to 4 shifts off per 6 months – we understand you may need time away for travel and life things!  
    • Please work with the Associate Director to assess the need to cover any duties while you’re gone.   
    • You can set your own schedule! Factors to consider if you want to access our restroom or confer with staff:  
      • Building hours are Monday through Thursday 8:30am-8pm; Saturday 9-11am for programming only
      • Associate Director available on site Monday through Wednesday 8:30am-5pm; by email/phone Thursday 8:30am-5pm and Friday 8:30am-1pm

Supervisor:  Jennifer Peterson, Associate Director (UW Extension Master Gardener) jennifer@litnetwork.org

Training:  Volunteer Gardener training includes agency onboarding, initial garden tour with the Associate Director, and additional professional development as requested.

Current Literacy Network volunteers interested in applying:  can email Jennifer Peterson, Associate Director (UW Extension Master Gardener) jennifer@litnetwork.org. You do not need to use the apply button below.


I want to volunteer, but I am not sure which program I want to join. How should I decide? 

Please read through the description of each volunteer position, paying attention to the pre-requisites and requirements for the role. It may also be helpful to consider the goals of each program, and how they align with your experience and interests. You can indicate which role(s) you are interested in on your volunteer application. 

Do I need to have digital skills to volunteer?

Digital skills are becoming increasingly important in day-to-day life, and many of our adult students have goals to grow their technology skills. Volunteers should be comfortable using email, navigating web browsers, and filling out online forms. Virtual tutors should be comfortable using Zoom (annotation tools, whiteboards, screen sharing). GED/HSED tutors and Essential Literacy tutors should have strong digital skills, which are described in the volunteer position description.   

What can I expect from volunteer training? 

Training consists of independent tasks (1 hour) and a group training (2.5 hours). Volunteers will be oriented to the program they are joining and learn strategies for teaching and tutoring. We host group training for new volunteers at the start of each semester (mid January, mid May, mid September). We host 1:1 trainings for new volunteers as needed, when we have students waiting for tutors mid semester. 

I filled out a volunteer application but I have not heard back. What should I do?  

It generally takes 1-2 weeks to process new volunteer applications. Check the spam/junk folder in your email. If you have not gotten a response within 2 weeks of applying, please email Jill Stendahl at jill@litnetwork.org

I am not 18+ years old. Can I still volunteer? 

Tutors must be 18+ years old to start volunteering. Literacy Network students are adults, and prefer to work with tutors that are also adults. We invite you to apply when you are 18.

I need to observe or teach in an ESL classroom to complete a degree or certification (practicum). Can I do that at Literacy Network? 

At the request of our students, we do not allow classroom observations. We are able to verify volunteer hours at the end of your second semester with us.

What if I cannot commit to a full semester? 

We ask volunteers to commit to a full semester, with no more than two absences. Our students benefit from working consistently with the same volunteers. Consider applying in a future semester when you have a more consistent schedule.

Do you have opportunities for groups or one time events?

At this time, we do not have volunteer opportunities for groups or one time events.

Other questions? 

Email Jill Stendahl, Volunteer Manager, at jill@litnetwork.org with any additional questions.

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