Learner reads to audience at Reading Between the Wines

Genoveva dreams of opening a bakery

On May 3, Genoveva Gonzalez made her public speaking debut at Literacy Network’s Reading Between the Wines. She shared her story about coming to the U.S. and talked about her dreams for the future:

When I was little I lived in Mexico in a town I lived there with my parents I had two sisters and a brother and also I studied there until the sixth grade of elementary school but afterwards I did not have money and I had to help my mother with chores of my house and prepare food when my mom went to work in the field and at age 15 I started working in a clothing factory to help with the expenses so that my brothers would continue studying at age 27, come to live in Madison Wisconsin together with my husband and at 30 year old my son was born an at 35 year old my daughter was born Now I have a job as a baker I take care of my children and in my free time I study English to be able to talk with people to help my children with homework and and in the future I would like to have a great bakery since it is what I like the most and know more about the history of the United States.

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