
Annual Report 2017

Literacy Network Annual Report 2017


Studying More Hours = Reaching More Goals


Dear Literacy Network Supporter,

Because of you, Literacy Network makes a huge difference in the lives of Dane County adults and their families. Adult learners have better jobs, are US Citizens, and high school graduates and are achieving their dreams as a result of our work.

It takes persistence to reach goals – that’s why we’re excited to see a 25% increase in average number of hours per learner! Investing in learners at Literacy Network is one of the best long-term solutions to reducing poverty in Dane County.

Thank you for continuing to increase the impact of adult literacy education.


Jeff Burkhart
Executive Director

Financial Health


United Way $262,860
Contributions $733,228
Special Events $51,248
Grants $112,474
Program Service Fee $178,022
Rental Revenue $39,874
Investment Return & Other $12,851
TOTAL $1,390,557


Personnel $752,587
Professional Fees $53,930
Occupancy $35,372
Office Expenses $63,680
Program Materials $23,921
Staff Development and Travel $14,405
Insurance $10,037
Depreciation $62,907
Other Expenses and Interest $17,660
TOTAL $1,034,499
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